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The John Ankerberg Show

The John Ankerberg Show

Set Free in South Asia Until the Whole World Hears - Ep 3

Getting To Know Your Bible with Dr. Billy Lambert

Getting To Know Your Bible (GTKYB) with Billy Lambert

Where Are The Dead - Ep1469

Moga - Mercies of God Association with Dr. Peter Nortier

Moga - Mercies of God Association with Dr. Peter Nortier

Revelation of The Cross in Jonah

Getting To Know Your Bible with Dr. Billy Lambert

Getting To Know Your Bible (GTKYB) with Billy Lambert

Heaven Will Be Worth It All - Ep1471

Tony Alamo

World Pastor Tony Alamo - Program 775

He keeps the paths of judgment, and He preserves the way of His saints. So, it's like He told me, if you do what I tell you, if you say the words that I'm telling you, you'll be preserved. No one can hurt you. But if you don't, you will be destroyed.

The King Is Coming with Jeff Kinley

The King is Coming with Jeff Kinley

Globalism and Satan's End Time Agenda Part 2

Tony Alamo

World Pastor Tony Alamo - Program 774

That's why they hate the two witnesses in the Book of Revelation so much because they have the double edge sword in their hand and they're executing vengeance. They're telling the heathen what's going to happen to them when they die. Don't you get it?

Tony Alamo

World Pastor Tony Alamo - Program 773

Eventually they're going to raise up a person like a Muslim, like this Obama to where he'll go over to these nations like Iraq and Iran and Arabia and make peace so that he'll look a big hero to you people. He may even negotiate because it was planned this way to put everybody into poverty. So, the government can pull you out of poverty with this great new leader. This Muslim who says he's a Christian.

The Getting Real with Hilary Show with Hilary Burns

Title: S2 EP24 | Re-Sensitizing America After The Sandy Hook Massacre | Stephanie Cinque

Sometimes people rise to the occasion after tragedy. Stephanie Cinque felt called to help her community after the Sandy Hook Shooting by creating The Resiliency Center of Newtown. She is a social worker who saw her neighbors suffering a traumatized and knew that she needed to bring the community together. She found a place, hired mental health professionals and provided a safe place for survivors to be healed.

Rigged Against You with Terry Sacka AAMS

Rigged Against You with Terry Sacka AAMS

The Real Globalist Plan For You