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Empowerment Coach, Dowser, Consultant, Author, Mountain Man, Teacher, Water Energizer, Violent Crime Fighter, Shamanistic, Media producer
Speaker, Author, Music Therapist, Spiritualist, Wellness Advocate, UpBeat Drum Circles Founder, Teambuilder, Trainer, Workshop Facilitator, Editor, Writer, Columnist
Shaman, Healer, Author, Ceremonial Leader, Workshop Facilitator, Pigrimage and Retreat Facilitator, Don Jose Matsuwa adopted grandson
Diviner, Psychic Reader, Teacher, Healer, Meditator
Huna Materials Publisher, Hawaiian Culture Expert, Novelist, Author, Shaman, Speaker, Lecturer, Teacher, Workshop Facilitator, Storyteller, Scholar, Psychologist, Healer, Humanitarian
West African Elder, Author, Teacher, Village Representative, Ancient Wisdom Teacher, Visionary, Keynote Speaker, Workshop Leader, Retreat Facilitator, Trainer
Siberian Wisdom Conveyor, Psychiatrist, Researcher, Traveler, Author, Cliffhouse Publications Founder
Spiritual Counselor, 13 Indigenous Grandmothers Embassador, Healer

RENE YRIGOLLEN, is my guest this week. She is of Native American, Basque, Belgian, and Mexican descent, but chose to walk the Traditional Red Road of the Native American ways. She is a Pipe Carrier, a Sundancer, and an artist whose works can be seen in Santa Fe, NM galleries.

WALK IN BALANCE is the topic of today's show with Caroline Wise King. Hear how many things are out of balance in our world today creating chaos, fear, and apprehension about the future. Caroline narrows it down to specifics, and shares how each of us can begin to balance our lives and create harmony within our family circle, our community, and our world. The world is so badly out of balance that it threatens the very existence of life on earth, but it is NOT too late to turn it around. If each of us does our part, we can restore Mother Earth and bring Peace to our world.