Topic: Local Peoples Assembly & Common Law Courts
Sound Healing with David Gibson - Interview with Dr Jeffrey Thompson
Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr Susan Kolb with special guest Sonia Barrett
Natural Solutions Radio with Sir Eliezer Ben-Joseph
The Holistic Health Show with Dr Carl O Helvie and special guest Joseph Carringer
ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode centered about Crystals and their connections with the 12 chakras and our DNA. It featured amazing information about the Andara Crystal and some interesting information about Stonehenge.
Stargate Round Table with Marietta Pickett and Tara & Rama and special guest Joy Taylor
Straight UP Sex Talk! with Linzi Levinson
Part 2: Interview with Dr. Sherman Leis with, physician, professor and chairman philiadelphia college and founder Philadelphia Center for Transgender Surgery
Transgender surgeries and more.
New Realities with Alan Steinfeld