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Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster

Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster

With Guest, Aaron Barnhart The Courage to Find Your Next Great Streaming Watch

Breaking the Silence with Dr Gregory Williams

Breaking The Silence with Dr Gregory Williams

With Guest, Mike Nichols  CEO/President of the Coalition for the Homeless

Mike is the CEO/President of the Coalition for the homeless of Hoston/Harris county. Mike helps guide their overall mission and provides strategic leadership to manage the organization and navigate the stakeholder relationships. Mike served two terms in the Georgia House of Representatives before joining the Sysco Corporation.

CEO/President of the Coalition for the Homeless
Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Saving With Steve with Steve Sexton

Guest, Lucia Constantine

Episode 145: Center for Responsible Lending

Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie Peters and Julie Peters

Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie and Julie Peters

Julie Life with the Girlfriends 
Topic: Wedding Talk, Kink Talk, and mom....please wear underwear!

The Getting Real with Hilary Show with Hilary Burns

Guest, The Jackie Jackson, real estate coach and investor, tax deed genius

"Overcoming adversity, life, and challenges," was what Jackie wanted to cover in our interview today. And boy did she.

Jackie was a latch key kid growing up in Brooklyn.  She literally stayed inside after school all alone, fearful of disobeying her mother's instructions to stay inside and talking to no one.  

Words Women and Wisdom Show with Yvonne Silver

Words Women and Wisdom Show with Yvonne E L Silver

Guest, Josselyne Herman-Saccio, leading transformative program coach and founder of United Global Shift

Reclaiming Authenticity with Dr James Houck

Reclaiming Authenticity with Dr James Houck

Accelerated transformation, when the universe turns up the heat!

Courage, the strength we possess, that empowers us against things that no longer serve us, or serve us negatively... we must acknowledge our spiritual nature - tonight we are privy to a blue moon

The Sports Doctor with Dr Robert Weil

The Sports Doctor with Dr. Robert Weil

Guests, Dr. Tony Leazzo and Satyen Raja

Planetary MakeOver Show with David Mynott II

Planetary Makeover Show with David Mynott II

A New Approach to Education: The Art of Living