Lets Talk Healing with Ataana Badilli and Dr Jodi Ford, Ph.D and guests Sabr H. and Anna McDonald
You got questions We got answers with Wynn Free
The Wynn Free Conference Call LIVE with Wynn Free
Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron - MONDAY
Lets Talk Healing with Ataana Badilli and guests Sabr H., Carole Maier and Anna McDonald
Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron - SUNDAY
Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron - FRIDAY
Today we discuss how energy is everything… and it really is! Everything in the Universe is made up of particles and waves of energy that are vibrating at different frequencies.
Today we discuss following your gut, even when what it tells you doesn’t seem like the most logical course of action.
Special guest Mary Goulet joins us today to share how we can stop listening to our egos and our hearts, and instead hear our gut’s knowingness, which she describes as the visceral voice of our soul.
Today I want to talk about the importance of changing the conversations in your life.