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ET Yoga with Charles Green-This Episode was about amazing science supporting the idea of total immunity from disease. Also featured was Realty Creation tips from Marelin the Magician and an update on First Contact. Additionally, a recipe for eliminating the effects of Chetrails.

Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free

Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free

Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free

Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free

The Holistic Health Show with Dr Carl O Helvie

The Holistic Health Show with Dr Carl O Helvie and guests Jeffrey Stegman and Clayten Stegman

Writer, Film Maker, Shaman, Esoteric Researcher, Integrative Body Work and Holistic Coaching
Why Am I So Happy with Paula Vail

Why Am I So Happy with Paula Vail

Interviewing Dr Jean Logan

The Voice of the Ashtar Command Commander Lady Athena Sheran


The Voice of the Ashtar Command a seminar with Commander Lady Athena,

Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron

Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron - WEDNESDAY

You got questions We got answers with Wynn Free

You got questions We got answers with Wynn Free

Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle

Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle interviewing Jim Ehmke

Jim Ehmke (pronounced: Em-key) is a licensed clinical nutritionist and health counselor in Bellingham, Washington. Over the past 40+ years, Jim has helped empower thousands of people to take action and regain their health.