The Holistic Health Show with Dr Carl O Helvie and special guest Dr. Michael Finkelstein
Interview with Bill Federer of American Minute
WILLIAM J. FEDERER is a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America's noble heritage.
Bill's AMERICAN MINUTE radio feature is broadcast daily across America and by the Internet. His Faith in History television airs on the TCT Network on stations across America and via DirectTV.
For Part 3, Dr. Miller will be addressing questions sent to him from his listeners regarding Part 1 and Part 2 of 'The Neo-liberal Driven War on Public Education'.
The War Report on Public Education with host Dr. James A.Miller, Jr. - Today's Discussion is on Neoliberalism - PART 2
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael Brown & Kathleen Gomez
Interview with John and James
Title ICLCJ Hearings & The Vatican as a Criminal Body/Exorcism conducted in Rome