Saving With Steve with Steve Sexton
Guests, Ruth King, get and stay profitable, and Hope and larry Ware, under the median
ep 127 - Ruth King, How Small Businesses Can Get and Stay Profitable
ep 128 - Hope and Larry Ware, Under The Median
The Sports Doctor with Dr. Robert Weil
Guests, Ron Tank and Lori Balke
Planetary Makeover Show with David Mynott II
Parenting and Teaching Enlightened Children
A second audio podcast discussing parenting and teaching the highly aware and sensitive children of this new age. Are we teaching children facts or how to live? How do we create an atmosphere of love and acceptance, while engendering calm attention, self-esteem, trust, patience, and respect for others? Co-host Diana Gold Holland interviews Annemiek van Nijnanten, a Dutch specialist in natural therapies for highly-sensitive children.
Let's Talk Corelicious Leave Room For Dessert Podcast with Miss V The Core Life Coach
Guest, Ms Dione Sims and Ms Opal Lee
Sound Healing with David Gibson
Sound Physiology, how sound frequency and timber can be used to heal the body
Words Women and Wisdom Show with Yvonne E L Silver
Guest, Phoebe Leona, Dancer, speaker, author, yoga teacher, and transformational guide