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Soul Mirrors with Master Lady Kira Raa

Soul Mirrors with Master Lady Kira Raa

Mercury Mirror, unified presence, union of masculine and feminine, becoming a zero point energy generator

Planetary MakeOver Show with David Mynott II

Planetary Makeover Show with David Mynott II

Maitreya in Our Lives - Maitreya in Our Lives

Lets Find Out with Elizabeth Joyce

Lets Find Out with Elizabeth Joyce

Ascension and the USA Election 2020 and The Coronavirus Meditation

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett
Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D. Annett and guest Deb Goldin
Topic: Do We Really Want Change? Fighting the Inner and the Outer Tyranny
The Foggy Dew
SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and Jay Matta

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and AJay Matta

PIMPY, Godfather of Precious Metals!

GCR vs Great Reset, NESARA/GESARA, Debt Clock, Bail-In, CDARS, IMF Meeting Oct. 12-17th, XRP, IQD, Gold, Silver, Real Estate Future, Q&A 

Hard News on Friday with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna

Hard News on Friday with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna and guests

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland

Peter Maxwell Slattery Joining James Gilliland for a Galactic Update

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and Jay Matta

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and AJay Matta

PRYME MINISTER, Pleiadians Among Us!

Trump, JFK Jr, Galactic Federation, Christ Consciousness, 2nd Coming, Purging of Earth, Morning Star, Spiritual Power, Illuminati, Reptilians

Eyes Can SEE with Empress Em Shar'on


Topic: We Have The Authority

YouTube Video Link:

Don’t Panic It’s Organic with andy Lopez aka Invisible Gardener

Don't Panic It's Organic with andy Lopez, aka: The Invisible Gardener

YouTube Video Link: