The Metaphysical Hour with Dolores Cannon and Julia Cannon
The Metaphysical Hour with Dolore Cannon and Blair Styra
The Metaphysical Hour with Dolores Cannon and Julia Cannon
The Metaphysical Hour with Dolores Cannon and guest James Wawro
Topic: Communicationg with your Small Inner Voice
The Metaphysical Hour with Dolores Cannon and Julia Cannon
The Metaphysical Hour with Dolores Cannon and daughter Julia Cannon
Topic: Dolores & Julia discuss the upcoming Transformation Conference. Many call-ins.
The Metaphysical Hour hosted by Dolores Cannon with guest Paola Harris
Station 1 - Fridays 5:00 - 6:00 PM (PST) 8:00 - 9:00 PM (EST)
on BBS Radio
Date: February 8, 2008
Guest Paola Harris - journalist & UFO conference organizer
* Intro - Dolores's latest book - the 3rd volume of Convoluted Universe is off the press (700 pages).
* Guest introduction Paola Harris - journalist & UFO conference organizer in Laughlin, Nevada, USA.