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You Bout Ready with Marty Ford! Tantalizing Tidbits of Brain Treats and Teasers stretching the head ganglia!

Hello friends,   A 17th century monk named Brother Lawrence wrote a series of letters that were compiled into a book "Practicing the Presence of God."

This week's show of Insight Out -- the Naked Truth (7 PM PDT) will focus on the single greatest obstacle to human fulfillment. Can you guess what it is?  No, it's not the powers that be, not global climate change, not power/greed/selfishness motive...though that's getting closer. It's more fundamental than that.  Join us tomorrow night and find out what it is and what you can do and not do about it!. You may be surprised to find out how insidious and pervasive it is.  And you may be even more surprised to find out the solution and how inexpensive it is!

You Bout Ready with Marty Ford. A show where thinking is critical, the momentum fast and lively, and the comedy of our daily lives. A great show for the entire family!

At last Tuesday's episode of "Insight Out--the Naked Truth" we focused on "The Within"  We shared a story that I wrote many years ago based on the image/metaphor of a Geod.  The story is called, "The Doegs" and is about a "craggy bunch of creatures who are afraid to look within, until they are forced to with surprising results.

I also shared a poem I wrote called, "The Within"  Here are a few lines from the poem, but if you click on this program you'll hear the the whole poem with music along with some wonderful songs and our usual banter.

You Bout Ready with Marty Ford - Critical Thinking, Fighting Boredom, Getting Things Done, Being a Doer!

How powerful and important are our feelings? Beginning with his original poem, "Feelings, the Language of Relationship," Rochelle and Errol probe this all important (and sometimes all-consuming) human expression.  The program also features the poem "Hope" put to music.--a very haunting and rich journey into the loss of hope and its "resurrection."  Listen to this show and expereince the Striders' usual blend of thoughtful conversation, some amazing music and, of course, the Striders' unique brand of whimzy and comical perspectives.

You Bout Ready with Marty Ford! Helping deserving Vets, and life information for thought, humor and empowerment. Power up your power!

In this episode off "Insight Out, the Naked Truth" we find our hero and heroine really stepping out into the unknown to see what's out there. With a rich variety of music and their usual combination of penetrating insights and silliness, the Striders probe the mystery.  Find out what they've discovered about our universe potential.