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Financial Fitness with The Money Doctor with Frances Rahaim, Ph.D.

Financial Fitness with The Money Doctor with Frances Rahaim, Ph.D.

How many politicians does it take to solve a $22 trillion Social Security deficit? Established in 1940, when the average check was about $20 (about $440 in today’s dollars). Many retirees today receive checks well below the poverty level. Since 1985, the trustees have been warning about the future of Social Security could be doomed. If no changes are made by 2033, we could be looking at a 23% cut across-the-board. Who is to blame and what can you do about it? Listen in and find out!

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Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

With Guest, Dr. Jacquie Del Rosario

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Dr. Durr's Living In The Sweet Spot with Dr. Balin A. Durr, M.D.

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Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

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Episode 165: Real Estate in 2024

Air Force Veteran, CEO of Corelicious LLC, Trauma Breakthrough Specialist, Healing and Forgiveness Advocate, Author and Professional Speaker
Financial Fitness with The Money Doctor with Frances Rahaim, Ph.D.

Financial Fitness with The Money Doctor with Frances Rahaim, Ph.D.

New Year's Resolutions? Ugh! Sure, we're all 10 lbs lighter, the tobacco market is struggling and our finances are all in order . . . right? Maybe some less traditional "shifters" and practical "adjustments" could give you the best chance for success financially and in other areas of life. Don't think MONEY, think MINDSET! Frances Rahaim, Ph.D. aka The Money Doctor shows you how!

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

With Guest Nancy Tengler

Episode 164: Womens Guide to Successful Investing

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Financial Fitness with The Money Doctor with Frances Rahaim, Ph.D.

Financial Fitness with The Money Doctor with Frances Rahaim, Ph.D.