Sudden I Impact with Lee
Guests, Richard Dugan, Tell Me Your Story radio show, and Dr David and Dana Hagstrom, The Core Beliefs of Religion
Just The Tips with Dean Holland and James P Friel
Guest, Peter Montoya, what it takes to lead an organization
Dare to Dream with Debbi Dachinger and guest James Redfield
Radio Toni - Every Day Business
with Toni Lontis and guest Sara Troy
YouTube Video Link:
The Kathy Lee Parker Show
Guest, Gary Avcuvedo
Gary Avcuvedo has over 40 years Gary's expertise has been focused on the design of personal effectiveness and empowerment seminars and retreats. He has become recognized as a world-class trainer of trainers, founding Rise Leadership Group; one of the most advanced and intensive training programs in the country for facilitators, coaches and trainers.
Dr Ginas Radio Chat with Gina R Prince
Guests, Author, KATHY DeGRAW, Comedian Gina G, and Financial Consultant, JEFFERY HILL
Words Women and Wisdom Show with Yvonne E L Silver
Guest, Heather Hansen O'Neill
Sudden I Impact with Lee
Guest, Pip McKay, gain coaching mastery and develop your unique intuitive genius using archetypes, ancient wisdom and the latest techniques in human evolution.