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Lets Find Out with Elizabeth Joyce

Lets Find Out with Elizabeth Joyce

There is a divine force guiding us – as we get beyond this – June-July 2021

A massive uncovering of what the media has been hiding.

Regardless of where we are now – the real truth comes out – be open-minded

Don’t believe everything you hear.

About to come to a crescendo

We’ve been fed so much that just isn’t true

They are in control right now

Know the Name; Know the Answers with Sharón Lynn Wyeth

Know the Name Know the Answers with Sharón Lynn Wyeth and guest Linda Schurman, astrologer

Topic: Astrologically, what can we expect in 2021?

Lets Find Out with Elizabeth Joyce

Lets Find Out with Elizabeth Joyce

Guest, Sharon Lynn Wyeth

Soul Mirrors with Master Lady Kira Raa

Soul Mirrors with Master Lady Kira Raa

Guest, Jess Juntunen, certified Self-Ascension Intuitive Counselor, a Master Avesa Quantum Healer and Channel, Priestess of the Golden Ray, Violet Flame and Cosmic Light, and a Divine Feminine Awakening Coach.

Soul Mirrors with Master Lady Kira Raa

Soul Mirrors with Master Lady Kira Raa

Mercury Mirror, unified presence, union of masculine and feminine, becoming a zero point energy generator

Soul Mirrors with Master Lady Kira Raa

Soul Mirrors with Master Lady Kira Raa

Guest, Dr Alison Palmer, future of energy medicine and body wisdom convention

Lets Find Out with Elizabeth Joyce

Lets Find Out with Elizabeth Joyce

Ascension and the SCOTUS appointment and the Presidential Election 2020

Lets Find Out with Elizabeth Joyce

Lets Find Out with Elizabeth Joyce

Guest – Frank St. James

To call in and ask a question – 888-627-6008

What can we expect in the next 45 days or so? What is this new energy that has us in such a rush? All is happening too fast. It’s truly a crazy time.

Mercury goes retrograde on Tuesday – Oct. 13th – Everything slows down – problems arise – machinery – travel - papers - decisions. Talk about how – mention the new Healing and Forgiveness Meditation

Weekly Cosmic Tip

Soul Mirrors with Master Lady Kira Raa

Soul Mirrors with Master Lady Kira Raa 

The Story Keepers, first fire ceremony, and sharing the beloved energy, moment of consciousness collision, truth & fear

Soul Mirrors with Master Lady Kira Raa

Soul Mirrors with Master Lady Kira Raa 

A Consciousness Collision, Becoming Aware of choices and finding balance! We are in 12 days as one day! Moving into the micro full moon up level! You can not lie to yourself! Truth and expansion!