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Getting a bit older is not easy for the person who is adding on the birthdays or for their caregivers. And the pressures these people face sometimes demand creative responses. Our two guests today deal with that need to be creative from two very different angles.

Much has been written and said to the effect that Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia can steal away people’s intellectual processes, leaving them dependent on others. And this dialogue has translated into its becoming a greatly-feared diagnosis. Well, Alzheimer’s might impair the memory of those who are living with it and it might also slow some of their mental processes. But interestingly enough, it might simultaneously work to make them more creative.

Let’s face it. Nobody enjoys the time they spend as a patient in an emergency room. But being vulnerable to the hurried atmosphere that surrounds them, older people often find their stays in these facilities to be particularly difficult. They can become agitated within these settings and that emotional state might linger long after they have left.

Amy Hindman is a delightful composer, musician. This CD has some powerful lyrics that I know you'll enjoy.  Join us for a musical moment.

Writer, Musician, Visual Artist, Renaissance Man

Dress for the life you want. Fashion with intention that is what we'll be discussing and a lot more.  Want to look your best?  Tune in for some fun suggestions. Fashion is what Tess Whitehurst is all about.

Intuitive Counselor, energy Worker, Feng Shui Consultant, & Author