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Reach For It Radio Show with Christina Calisto Winslow will feature the Akashic Records and how we can use them to find our Soul's Purpose. Christina has a special guest this week; Linda Howe, founder and director of the Center for Akashic Studies. Linda talks about her new book, "Discover Your Soul's Path Through the Akashic Records." We will learn how to find out why we are here in this life and how we can find out if we are living our soul's path and purpose.

Create Sacred Space with Sound. Space Clearing is essential for your home and office to clear stuck or negative energies. Did you know that sound can be one of the most effective ways to clear a space!  Learn about different techniques you can use to create a Sacred Space in your home, office and in your own body! Ted Winslow is involved in research and development of healing frequencies used in sound healing. Learn about his recent research at one of the Vortexes in Sedona. 

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk with David Spangler about Incarnational Spirituality. When we approach life as Consciousness partnering with the physical and subtle aspects of the planet, miracles happen. We are all teachers, all leaders, things are shifting, life is all about finding connection. We each bring unique insights and gifts that contribute to the symphony of life.
intuitive claircognizant, channel, shamanic practitioner, and a licernsed psychotherapist

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr Susan Kolb -  Invoking the Scribes of Ancient Egypt: The Initiatory Path of Spiritual Journaling

Part 1: Interview with Normandi Ellis and Gloria Taylor Brown

Part 2: Interview with Dr Michael Ryce
Will be at Unity North Atlanta (in Marietta, GA) beginning Sunday, May 17th (Homecoming Service) through Saturday, May 23rd.  Join us for a powerful week of workshops.  Six are FREE, the all-day Saturday Breath workshop is the only one with a fee.

Stargate Round Table

2nd Hour Interview with OMENA

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Attracting Patterns and Consciousness. In response to a client question we discussed how we engage with energetic patterns. As Consciousness we see this as an opportunity for making new choices.  It's important to be neutral, to respond rather than react. If you are blaming (yourself or others) you are viewing things as your personality.  Joan and Janet share personal situations where they have interacted with family patterns yet still held a greater awareness.

A Fireside Chat with Zany Mystic (Lance White) with guest Timothy J Glenn