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James Gilliland takes caller questions and questions from people at the ECETI Ranch

The True History of Our Galactic World and The Birth of NESARA with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna

You got Questions? We got Answers! with Wynn Free

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr Susan Kolb with special guest Candace Talmadge

Barbara Hand Clow returns to share insight into her new work of fiction, Revelations of the Ruby Crystal.  This first book in a trilogy focuses on the period between 2011 and 2013.  These were tumultuous times of anticipation, with the Mayan Calendar being the centerpiece of numerous "end times" predictions.  Many hitherto unknown, or concealed, facts about the Catholic Church and the endless struggles for power and domination, are revealed in the rich, elegant fictional plot.  

Radiance By Design with Veronica Entwistle - Taking Questions from callers!

LIVING ON PURPOSE & SERVING WITH IMPERSONAL NONCHALANCE- COMPASSION & WISDOM:   Major Causes of Global Suffering & How to Best Serve At This Time. Personal & National Karmic Repercussions & Accountability.The Karmic Board. Affects Our Consciousness & Behavior Has On Global Conditions & More.

The Wynn Free Conference Call LIVE with Wynn Free

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Astrology from the perspective of Consciousness. Reality is a hologram, and everything in it is created by Consciousness, thus able to change at any moment. Where does Astrology fit into this construct? We talk about having fun and playing in this realm of density and effort!