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I listened to your Radio show last night, great job. You guys are so committed to your teachings and it comes across very clearly.... ~ Anonymous
Many thanks for the delightful session on Saturday, and for the Radio shows last week. I'm meeting with new people this week and I will pass on your information to them. Your passion and dedication comes forth very clearly. The Amber blood work is still my favorite, my whole body charges up and it is so wonderful to feel the symbols flowing through me. It was also very appropriate to spend as much time as we did with the "Lack" energies. This is the first month that I started listening to your Radio Shows. There is a beautiful flow of energy between you and Sylvia. ....
Ron, I was trying to "convince myself" for some time to drink more water...with some results...until I got my special water charged on Sat. 18 call.... My beautiful body absolutely loves the water and wants more and more....:-)))))) I was surprised how different was the taste of the last day water charged by seals.... ~ D (St. Louis)
Hello Ron, Thank you for the butterfly energy and our baby energy on your last radio show ... it was wonderfull.....!!!! My indoor plants I took with me on the Creation Lightship on Sat.18 really like the rejuvenation !
Ron, the love energy you bring in from the Creation Light Ship is amazing! The love energy from the archangels, angels, saints, orbs, dolphins, whales, turtles, crystals, light beings, etc... is so wonderful! I try my best to listen to all your shows! ~ N.B.
Hi! I am grateful to BBS for airing the "Creation Lightship" show. I decided to participate in a 4 hour "Telehealing" call with Ron on Sat. and I'm sure glad I did!! I had a sprained foot that day. It was very painful, swollen and I couldn't walk on it.I had asked the "Light Doctors" to help heal my foot.After the call I was not only able to walk with little discomfort I was able to wear my new heels and go to a dance club to see my best friend's performance that same night!! Thank you to Ron and the "Lightship doctors" You're the real deal, you get the job done!!
Hi Ron... Thought I would give you have few comments from yesterdays CLS 1 hr session before I forget what happened. 1st off we have squirrels and wild rabbits in our yard along with hummingbirds sometimes and lots of birds. We had almost zero animals before working with CLS. My word we live in the middle of town! this is real wild! You'd think we were in the mountains or something! We only have about 20'x40' of yard! and no one else in town I know of has any wild rabbits camping under there pine trees or snoozing in the middle of the lawn out in the open while cars pass by!
Hi Ron It has been three weeks or more since I went through the Emotional Healing process, and I am happy to report some gratifying yet subtle results. The word 'Detachment' pretty much sums it up. I have found myself in several situations where normally one of my buttons would be punched, and I would get very angry. Now I have detachment and recognize my anger as merely a habitual response. I see two plus sides to most events now, and my point of view is similar to what a 'fly on a wall' would see.
I attended your monthly ascension conference call on Saturday. It was an amazing experience as usual working with your avenues. There was on point on the call when we were instructed to get a bottle of water and as I get up and walk around the energy becomes more apparent to my attention. When I come back to the room I find my self playfully "dancing". So here I am dancing in my room and you state "the the light being are going to shoot energy to the top of us." I feel this very strongly and a reinforcement of your words "ask for healing" comes over me.
Creation Lightship Healings [nid:2922]