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The program began with a brief discussion about the subtle, and not so subtle, physical cues people receive when they have been triggered. We then talked about the value of "self-help" work in this paradigm, pointing out the paradox that exists between how it functions here, as opposed to within non-polarity. Shusara spent some time advising everyone on how spiritual ego wants to negate certain levels of teachings and edify others. It is imperative that we view all things as equal.
Together with physicists Eric Allin Cornell and Carl Wieman, Dr. Wolfgang Ketterle won the Nobel Prize in Physics for demonstrating the Bose-Eisenstein Condensate. He is Professor of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Dr. Ketterle is from Heidelberg, Germany, and earned his Ph.D in experimental molecular spectroscopy at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics.
In 1990 he joined the group of Dr. David E. Pritchard at the MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE).
Julian Lampert's hallmark is Versatility; between the music of Gibbons, Bach, Beethoven, and Rachmaninoff, to his own compositions within latin, jazz, gospel and classical genres, Julian covers over 400 years of musical styles.
Daniel P. Malito has been suffering with chronic illness for over 25 years. Diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at age nine, he has dealt with more than his share of life's hardships. Despite this, though, Daniel turned his strife to hope five years ago when he decided to become a writer. The ultimate extension of the axiom "write what you know," Daniel has dedicated his life to raising awareness about Rheumatoid Arthritis and autoimmune disease.
School of Human Potential with Allen Vaysberg, on BBS Radio! Today's guest: Jennifer Fallaw
Two thousand years ago, the Archangel Gabriel announced the coming of a new age with the birth of Jesus, the Christ. Now, Gabriel is proclaiming a new 2,000 year age, one of man's spiritual unity. This New Age was born January 23, 1997, when planets aligned to form a six point star, the same configuration that announced Jesus' birth 2,000 years ago.