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The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden
Mark Pfoff hosting today's show. Trump being shot and how the details work with the Secret Service. CrowdStrike, Joe Biden and more
Dr. Pat McEneaney, Podiatric Physician & CEO of Northern Illinois Foot & Ankle along with returning Mike McAleese, Owner of The Soma Institute School of Massage & Reflexology & Movement coach. Then, it’s 'The Sports Doctor Is In' with some Dr. Bob wisdom and your questions and emails!
The Bev Moore Show with guest Stephen Rowley, Ph.D., psychotherapist
A Night At The Roundtable with Omena McGee, Caroline Oceana Ryan, Randy Miller, Rama Arjuna, Tara & Micah Green, and Penny Christoffersen
Tony Alamo - program 556
You have to be rugged individuals to be able to make it into the Kingdom of Heaven. It's narrow and you have to squeeze yourself in, you have to have patience and go through the rough times. The Jesuit oath.
Tony Alamo - program 555
Satan would be given a mouth in the last days. Satan can't tell the truth. John Hagee says polygamists are a sinful as homosexuals. That man needs to repent for saying that God's Word is a sin. Is John Hagee a greater man than Moses?