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Dr. Linda Seger has a broad religious background. She grew up Lutheran and did several years of spiritual seeking in her 20s. She became a Born-Again Christian and then joined the Quakers (Society of Friends) and is a member of The Colorado Springs Friends Meeting. Throughout the years, she has meditated at a Zen Buddhist center, attended New Age conferences, has done the spiritual exercises of Saint Ignatius, and has read and taken classes in the religions of the world.
Business + Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker & Literary Agent
Meriflor Toneatto is an award-winning leadership and coaching executive.
She is the CEO & founder of Power With Soul Inc. and the author of Money, Manifestation & Miracles: A Guide to Transforming Women’s Relationships with Money.
Beth Geer's spiritual background is rich and diverse. She has had a multitude of psychic, paranormal, and deeply profound spiritual experiences throughout her life, beginning around the tender age of 5. She comes from a dedicated Catholic upbringing, but has also practiced tarot reading for over 20 years, is a Reiki Level II practitioner, and performs various psychic and medium functions for friends and family.
Richard Spasoff is a Comedy Show Headliner who also happens to be a Professional Psychic Medium! ~~ With a punch line!
I am a psychic medium "not psycho," and a stand-up comedian and believe it or not, a radio host/producer-actor, (IMDB) "Internet Movie Database", writer and minister and some other things. I still don't know about yet!.
Jill Lane is an expert in the fields of nutrition and exercise physiology. Her passion for helping pro athletes and high achievers attain max strength, quick recovery, heightened energy, sharp focus and optimal body fat for peak performance has become the cornerstone of her business. Some of her current and past clients include coaches and players from the NFL, NBA and MLB along with aspiring MMA and Olympic athletes.
Richard Dubin has started four successful magazines for the medical, consumer health and technology marketplaces. He was the previous publisher of BioMechanics and has been involved in every aspect of the medical publishing industry for 20 years. He started with Current Podiatry in 1991, moved to Podiatry Today in 1992 and created BioMechanics in 1994 to deliver a multi-disciplinary audience.
I am Scott Kimbro, a man who loves to teach. I am a Christian, husband, father, author, inspirational speaker and teacher. I, my wife, and our two daughters live in Spring Hill, Tennessee. My professional background includes accounting, banking, various managerial positions and entrepreneur of both traditional and network marketing companies.
In traditional business, I was the Chief Operating Officer of Kimbro Oil Company in Nashville, Tennessee. In the network marketing space my wife and I became Diamond Executives with a wellness company.
TODD NELSON D.Sc., Naturopath has had the privilege of providing thousands of individuals and families the very best holistic health;care programs for over 36 years. He holds many advanced certificates in Clinical Nutrition, Functional Medicine, First-Line Therapy, and Personality Assessment.