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When Pigs Fly, May 1, 2009

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Maggid ben Yoseif is the founder and spokesman for theJerusalem Torah Voice (now in exile) since 1992.  He is a retired daily newspaper editor, who also was chief news writer for Middle East Television at itsJerusalem bureau and a past senior member of the editorial staff at The Jerusalem Post. He is mixed Chicamauga Cherokee and an elder among the Membreno Apache.  In 2008, he was named âspecial messengerâ for the Native American White Roots of Peace Council, an organization formed in the 1960s to promote the Twin Fires (Cherokee and Hopi prophecy) and the Great Law of the Iroquois.

Although not any religion, he has studied Torah and Halachah with severalJerusalem rabbonim including Rabbi David bar Chaim, Rabbi Chaim Richman and his mentor since 1991, the Breslov Hasid Rav Yisrael Tzvi Yehuda Schneider (the Rebbe Shani Dor of the Revived Jerusalem Sanhedrin) who gave him smichah as a maggid/mochiah in 2002.

The Rebbe Shani Dor and an anonymous âtzadikâ whose name ben Yoseif says he must protect, commissioned him to âgo find Rachelâs kids and mobilize a remnant of them to returnâ to their biblical inheritances (the head and crown region at right).  He was also the first âJoeâ admitted to study in an Orthodox Jewish yeshiva in Jerusalem since the exile of the House of Israel in the late 8th Century BCE.

Since 1993, ben Yoseif has been promoting the return of fellow âJoesâ as an alternative to a Palestinian state.  This has included leading demonstrations against the plan that he contends would usurp the Birthright Jacob gave to his son, Joseph, and numerous media interviews. (The Edomite prophet Obadiah hints that when Jacob would return to his possessions â including and especially the outline at right known biblically as âJudea-Samaria,â he would find those territories occupied by the âHouse of Esau.â  He contends that the Palestinian state proposed under the Saâaudi brainchild known as âThe Road Map to Peace in the Middle Eastâ had the support, and political and financial pressure of the former Bush and Clinton state departments.  He contends that a Palestinian state outside of its biblical borders defined by the prophet Zechariah (Zechariah 9) in the Gaza, Ashquelon, Ashdod and Ekron and the adjoining fertile Shâfelah, raises false hope among the Palestinian people and would intensify the curse already plaguing America and the nations supporting the usurping of the Birthright of Joseph.  It will also lead to the annihilation of the Palestinian population residing in the Birthright.

He has been greatly persecuted for these claims including three political arrests and imprisonment in Israeli prisons but was eventually exonerated of alleged charges that he was fomenting an uprising to defend the Jewish settlement of Itamar overlooking the tomb of Joseph.   His email constituents of Joes came through with $30,000 to purchase night vision goggles and night vision rifle scopes after the Israeli Defense Forces were banned from defending the settlement -- which lacked even security fences --under the Palestinian Autonomy agreement and his help was sought by rabbis, Itamarâs mayor and security guards.  In a marathon 18-hour session between the Israeli Security Services, the Israeli Secret Police, then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Interior Minister Eli Yishai and his attorneys, it was concluded that ben Yoseif was attempting to save Jewish lives and instead of being imprisoned should have been given a medal.  But in order to be released from Maâasiyahu, Israelâs highest security prison, where he had been held incommunicado in a cell block with radical Islamic fundamentalists, ben Yoseif  had to agree to leave Israel and not return until such time that the ISS determined that his message promoting the Return of the House of Joseph and his activities were not considered a threat to Israeli National Security.

Today, ben Yoseif teaches the terms of the âBook of the Covenantâ (Exodus 20-23) between the God of Israel and the non-Jewish âHouse of Israelâ with the âMaggid,â or the telling of the story of the Passover.  This he does year round through teaching seders; He also recently purchased a house inWalsenburg,Colorado, which is being renovated to accommodate visiting Native American elders who he is also introducing to Torah.

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