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When Pigs Fly, March 16, 2012

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Writer, poet, producer, entrepreneur, Birgitte Rasine serves as the Chief Evolution Officer (CEO) of LUCITÀ Inc., a hybrid design and communications firm committed, in its work and practices, to sustainability. She is also the producer of the well-known Mayan Calendar Portal (, aka the MCP, the leading portal web site dedicated to the sacred Mayan Calendar. Ms. Rasine is the author of "The Serpent and the Jaguar: Living in Sacred Time" and has produced numerous webinars and interview sessions on the Mayan Calendar and Mayan astrology, presenting to MCP audiences such experts and scholars as Kenneth Johnson, Dr. Robert Sitler, Maya author Gaspar Pedro González, Dr. Carl Calleman, and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Rigoberta Menchú Tum. It is in this role that she became dedicated to make this sacred calendar more accessible to people everywhere, across multiple platformsa quest that was born of her own journey to study and integrate the Tzolkin into her life, as well as her.

When Pigs Fly

When Pigs Fly with Andrew Feder, banner
Show Host
Andrew Feder

Government & Religion - Good or Evil? Spirituality, Religion, E.T.s & Politics - The Real Truth. You decide!

Today Andrew is the internationally known host of When Pigs Fly. He is also the author of the controversial novel, When The Angels Have Risen and his noteworthy historical fiction novel, The Heretic and latest profound and eye-opening novel, SPIRIT.

When people first see Andrew they are commonly surprised by his lack of aging and youthful appearance. In the other words, they think that he is ten years (sometimes more) younger then his actual age. His response, “Well, we do come out in the daytime...”

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