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When Pigs Fly, January 22, 2010

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
"My most passionate aim is to abide by nature's cycles, gain peace of mind and share that with each one of you." - Andrea Tteja â¨

Andrea has been absorbed in self-transforming spiritual practisesince 1995, and has followed and practising the classical Raja (royal) Ashtanga yoga and various Hatha yoga systems. With over 14 yearsexperience she is dedicated to teaching the transformational techniques of Yoga that help those on a spiritual quest to maximize their potential and embody their fullness of being. â¨

Andrea has been attuned to Reiki and has reached Mastership level, she also has a keen interest in body psychotherapy and other forms of movement, such as Gabrielle Rothâs 5 Rhythms, Oshoâs Dynamic/Active Meditationâs & Amoda Maa Jeevan's Ecstatic Trance Dance all which have led her to facilitate her own Internal flow dance journey workshops.

â¨â¨Aswell as the aforementioned systems, she has been deeply influenced by the Raja Yoga meditations led by The Brahma Kumaris world spiritual university and in 2004 she also practised Gongyo -the Lotus Sutra, Mantra practice of the SGI-UK ~Nischiren Daishonin~ Buddhists.

Within this time there continued to be a longing for a deeper experience of Bhakti yoga (The Yoga of devotion) this led her on to Kirtan offered through a family band called Goma, and to the teachings of ShriHaidakhan Babaji. Also during these years she has been greatly honouredin receiving darshan blessings and teachings in reverence from MataAmritanandamayi Devi - Amma and Mother Meera on their annually visits to the UK.

â¨â¨Some other influences along the way are Jai Uttal Daniel Paul & Nubia with whom she has studied The Art and Practice of Kirtan.

"Love and Serve all humanity, Assist everyone" - Babaji

Andrea has been accredited as a Yoga Elder by the Independent Yoga Network and is listed on the Yoga register. The wealth of knowledge gained through many great Teachers and Masters, also includes 3 year tutelage with UK governing body -The British Wheel of Yoga.

All of these experiences have enabled her to find her own teacher within... Being highly intuitive and in tune with compassionate heart wisdom has led her to develop her own style of teaching to abide by and her aim now is to offer these gifts to other teachers and students alike.

When Pigs Fly

When Pigs Fly with Andrew Feder, banner
Show Host
Andrew Feder

Government & Religion - Good or Evil? Spirituality, Religion, E.T.s & Politics - The Real Truth. You decide!

Today Andrew is the internationally known host of When Pigs Fly. He is also the author of the controversial novel, When The Angels Have Risen and his noteworthy historical fiction novel, The Heretic and latest profound and eye-opening novel, SPIRIT.

When people first see Andrew they are commonly surprised by his lack of aging and youthful appearance. In the other words, they think that he is ten years (sometimes more) younger then his actual age. His response, “Well, we do come out in the daytime...”

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