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When Pigs Fly, August 14, 2009

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Brian Allan is a lifelong researcher into the mysteries and contradictions posed by paranormal phenomena and has devoted his life to seeking answers to some of these anomalies. This has involved him in a series of hands on investigations encompassing everything from poltergeist infestations, hauntings and spirit possession to claims of alien abduction. From this solid groundwork he has developed a reputation as a speaker and presenter at various conferences across the length and breadth of the United Kingdom. This in turn developed into Brian acting as an adviser and participant in various international TV and radio broadcasts involving almost all aspects of the paranormal.

Following years of active investigations, which allowed truly amazing glimpses and encounters with things normally hidden for view, Brian began specialising in the esoteric aspects of Rosslyn Chapel and in 2005, along with a small, hand selected team, he was permitted to test some of his theories involving specific sonic frequencies within its enigmatic structure. This in turn lead to the discovery of a area inside the Chapel which Brian is convinced is a still active portal leading to what may be a store of forbidden knowledge. Unfortunately, for various reasons he has been unable to continue with this project although this situation may change in the future.

Never one to rest on his laurels, Brian decided to commit some his cases and the fascinating research that they required to paper in a series of books, six so far, in order to share his discoveries and theories with others who have similar interests. Much of what Brian writes about reveals that there are a number of fundamental and immutable truths governing the nature of what we perceive around us and that we live in a multiverse inhabited by beings utterly unlike the human race. In Brian's books we also discover that magic is a technology like any other and that quantum physics may hold the secrets to this most arcane of subjects.

In his latest book, The Heretics: Past and Present Brian reveals that those deemed as damned or castigated as heretics both spiritually and otherwise are often those who merely chose to follow a different path to that of convention. He also shows that the power behind magic is absolutely neutral, the categories of magic, be they black or white, depends entirely on those who wield it.

Brian's books:

'The View From the Abyss' (1st edition) pub Publish America ISBN# 1-4241-1933-2

'The View From the Abyss (2nd edition) Pub Hidden Mysteries ISBN#0-9800486-1-3

'The Barriers of Belief': Pub Hidden Mysteries ISBN# 0-9786249-3-9

'Rosslyn, Between Two Worlds': pub Hidden Mysteries ISBN# 0-9786249-1-2

'The Hole in the Sky': pub Hidden Mysteries ISBN# 0-971-31663-5 The Believers': pub Hidden Mysteries ISBN# 0-9800-486-7-4

When Pigs Fly

When Pigs Fly with Andrew Feder, banner
Show Host
Andrew Feder

Government & Religion - Good or Evil? Spirituality, Religion, E.T.s & Politics - The Real Truth. You decide!

Today Andrew is the internationally known host of When Pigs Fly. He is also the author of the controversial novel, When The Angels Have Risen and his noteworthy historical fiction novel, The Heretic and latest profound and eye-opening novel, SPIRIT.

When people first see Andrew they are commonly surprised by his lack of aging and youthful appearance. In the other words, they think that he is ten years (sometimes more) younger then his actual age. His response, “Well, we do come out in the daytime...”

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