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Vibrational UPgrade, September 18, 2016

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Vibrational UPgrade
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Special Encore Presentation: Energy and Consciousness: What are they really and what can they do for me?

Vibrational UPgrade Hosted by Alison J. Kay, PhD Holistic Life Coach, Energy Healer, India Trained YA RYT-200 Yoga Teacher, Certified Personal Trainer

Special Encore Presentation: Energy and Consciousness: What are they really and what can they do for me?

The word "energy" carries many connotations and "consciousness" is just beginning to be used, while in other cultures they are seen as the keys to health, vitality and well-being. They're considered the foundation to a life full of abundance, love, joy and well-being; a life well lived and lived with wellness. Once you understand what each are, learning how they work is next. After understanding the basic laws they operate within, next is being guided to see how your thoughts, beliefs, reactions, behaviors and choices effect your energy and circulate consciousness - or shut it down - throughout your body, and within your life. So you are then equipped to create your best life ever! Yet will you? What stands in your way of peak health, vitality, well-being, joy and abundance? That is what looking into your own consciousness can tell you. Beyond the everyday mundane choices your mind may seem to conclude are all that's available, what else is possible? What if there's nothing wrong?

Vibrational UPgrade

Vibrational UPgrade with Dr. Alison Kay
Show Host
Dr. Alison Kay

Dr. Alison J. Kay, aka “The Vibrational UPgrader”, is the founder of the Vibrational UPgrade System (VUPS).  She is an experienced subtle energies practitioner and natural healer with a holistic approach towards helping others thrive in mind, body and spirit.

She spent ten years in Asia studying subtle energies & ancient wisdom. This is combined with her twenty years experience working in & teaching Yoga, Meditation, Energy Medicine, Mind Body Fitness, Longevity and Holistic Health, where she has been serving both private clients and larger groups, doing private sessions, group clearings & activations, speaking, and teaching classes & trainings.

You don’t need to believe in this in order for it to work… that’s the beauty of what Dr. Alison accesses – as soon as you experience her work, you feel the shift within you. Check out these numerous testimonials.

Dr. Kay presents holistic tools to transform long term issues that take students and clients beyond wellness, into levels of thriving not typically expected nor considered possible within the American system!

Dr. Kay uncovers the unifying tools with the understanding of how energy flows - or does not - in the body, and how that creates:

~ Health and wellness

~ Vitality and clarity

~ Centered calmness

~ Abundance

~ Healthy emotional expression

~ Balance and a whole lot more

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