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Spiritual Hollywood, September 26, 2006

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Visionary, author, speaker, social architect, has been a leading voice for innovative change in the world for the past 40 years. This first video of the series, entitled Our Story, spans the history of the evolutionary journey of our species from the big bang to current times, where we find ourselves precariously standing at the edge of conscious evolution or self-destruction. Barbara posits that, “humanity now, as never before, is on the threshold of a quantum leap. If we are able to integrate newly emergent scientific, social, and spiritual capacities, we could transform ourselves to move beyond our current global crises to a magnificent future equal to our vast new potential.”

Spiritual Hollywood

Spiritual Hollywood with Kate Romero, banner
Show Host
Kate Romero

The purpose of "Spiritual Hollywood" as well as the book are geared toward bringing consciousness to Hollywood and thereby bringing it to the world. Quality of Life and coming from our highest, best wisdom is Key in everything we do.

BRIEF PERSONAL HISTORY: Kate is a former Actress of 15 years, Talent Agent, and Music Manager (represented Pete Bardens of Camel), Co-Produced a very successful “Music Cares” Fund Raiser for Pete Bardens with Mick Fleetwood, and is a Proud Mom of former child Star Kaylan Romero.

Kate was born on APRIL 27th in Detroit Michigan. With her parents and siblings, Kate lived on an 80-acre farm in Moorhead, Kentucky. After becoming very physically fit from farm life, she applied her strength and unique abilities to things that seemed to come naturally. Kate later achieved awards in Track and Field, Skeet shooting, and presently holds a World title in Arm Wrestling.

Today, Kate enjoys staying fit by way of Pilates and her self created seven minute workout, is an avid hiker, player of Ping Pong, Guitar, Chess, and Billiards in her free time.

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