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Prophecykeepers Radio, December 6, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Adam Yellowbird of Institute for Cultural Awareness
Mayan Prophecies of the Return of the Ancestors

7th Annual Earth Dance8 - Northern Arizona - International Multicultural Gathering. Northern Arizona, USA October 11-15, 2008

Pray for Mother Earth and all she supports, Dance if you can! Come join of children, women, and men as they dance and pray for the earth and humanity. For directions, protocols and general information, please check back as we are finalizing the specifics. Our gratitude goes out to each and everyone who has ever been a part of our family of supporters. We send you our love and our prayers for the fulfillment of your life and your purpose.

Prophecykeepers Radio

Prophecykeepers Radio with Will Anderson Blueotter, banner
Show Host
Will Anderson Blueotter

Prophecykeepers Internet Radio... a 501(c)3 Congressional District Program Public Foundation at the National Heritage Foundation. Make your tax-deductible donation NOW and help us to:


Prophecykeepers Foundation publishes on CD-Rom the most comprehensive Survival Guide in existence. Read the rave reviews. Learn from the Hopi and other elders where to be and whom to be with when the hard times and earth changes come.

About Prophecykeepers Radio and Foundation

Prophecykeepers Foundation was co-founded by Elder John "RedHat" Duke... who, according to the last three Hopi Kykmongwe (village chiefs) of Oraibi, John Lansa, Mina Lansa and Chief MIke was -- in fact --The True White Brother. RedHat - who has "walked west" was enrolled in Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma and in The United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians.

In 1998 Prophecykeepers Radio host Will Blueotter was given a prophecy concerning 2005 - a 7 year warning of weather-related havoc which turned out to be the hottest year in history... a prophecy one Rabbi in Jerusalem said was the most detailed fulfillment of prophecy in 2700 years.

Now, Prophecykeepers have been given a commission to teach the people of the world how to Save The Planet from destruction by teaching The Original Ghost Dance.

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