Nancys Metaphysical World and More, February 10, 2008
Guest: Vikki Rompala is the Program Evaluation Coordinator of the Chicago Child Trauma Center at La Rabida Children's Hospital. She has over ten years experience working with children and families in various social service and hospital settings. She has been involved with clinical practice, outreach and education, and research involving children's mental health. She is currently completing a PhD in Public Health at University of IL at Chicago and has a Masters in Social Work from University of Maryland at Baltimore.
Nancys Metaphysical World and More
Nancy Wallace, author, psychic, intuitive life coach and experienced radio and cable TV host, covers the spiritual fields and much, much more.
Nancy is the owner and founder of Psychic Resources . She has been doing intuitive life coaching for 30 years. Nancy uses her tarot cards to help interpret the fifty words a second that comes through her during a counseling session, (you can see a sample of Nancy's cards by going to her web-site, you will wonder how she read them, most of the pictures are missing and and they have grooves in the sides from the way she shuffles). The cards displayed on this web site are a few cards from Nancy's deck she has used for 25 years. They show the wear from all of the love that has been demonstrated to her clients. Nancy has established a clientele of hundreds of clients, and probably into the thousands of clients across the United States and Europe.