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Infinite Love Radio, July 11, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Michelle's guest is Dr Ramona Rubio who is an author, motivational speaker and life coach in the field of Alchemical Transformation. My doctorate is in Mythological Studies from Pacifica Graduate Institute in the Santa Barbara area, home of the Joseph Campbell archives. I was an associate professor at The Art Institute in Santa Monica, California where I helped students, especially minority students, gain confidence and self-worth in their personal and academic lives. For over eighteen years, I was CEO and president of a successful Interior Design firm with billings of over one million dollars.

For the majority of my adult life, I have worked on living my mantra, persistence is the catalyst that makes our dreams a reality, and am proud to say that despite huge roadblocks, I was the first person in my hometown to earn a doctoral degree. Like many minority women, my personal story is filled with incredible odds for living an abundant life-my mother died at my birth, I was raised in a poor and segregated community and physically abused as a young girl-I decided that I had the choice to transform these dispiriting and demoralizing experiences into positive opportunities by creating the story I wanted to live and not one written by others.

Infinite Love Radio

Infinite Love Radio with Michelle Morovaty, banner
Show Host
Michelle Morovaty

Welcome to Infinite Love Radio where the reality of Oneness Is in the present moment as we connect one to another and another and to another until we are all One.

We are all One as we attune ourselves in the moment with the knowing that we are all sparks of the Divine in form as me as you as all.

In this Radio program you shall experience the Oneness with a realization that we are all here to experience and go forth multiplying our learning's in our lives.

As we live in the moment of truth whatever that truth is for you we learn that it just Is. Without any judgments of the words spoken, we realize that inside all of us is the truth of our being, our True selves yearning to be Loved as we open ourselves to be vulnerable and authentic.

I invite all the listeners to listen with the inner knowing that we are all One as we unite here on the air. We are called to be aware of our own perceptions and interpretations of what IS.

Each individual is learning and moving on with what is. Let us allow ourselves to be okay with what is said and take in whatever has shown up in our lives as the presence of the Divine and the light of the Universe showing itself and revealing itself as me, you and all.

It is my hope that you sit with what you have read so far and open up your sweet hearts to the calling of your Soul as you have United with Infinite Love Right Here Right Now, you are all that Is for we are all One.

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