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Going Global for Spirit, May 23, 2007

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

ELKA-Rune diviner, Shaman, Teacher and Spiritual advisor

Elka is a gythia (priestess) of the Nordic tradition living and working in Austin, Texas. A descendent of Kjarv; Viking King of Dublin, and his Celtic wife, she has been following the sacred customs of her ancestors for 30 years. She has choosen the Runes as her divination tool. Or, have they choosen her? The Runes have been used for nearly two millennia for prophecy, healing and magic throughout Europe.

Elka is a world travler and highly educated. Her enthusiasm and excitement over the Runes is a joy to be a part of!

She has been rescheduled:

Due to family concerns and a long planned and earned vaction to the Nordic countries, Elka will join us on July 18, 2007. I am looking forward to hearing about her adventures!

Going Global for Spirit

Going Global For Spirit with Elaine Ireland, banner
Show Host
Elaine Ireland

A variety of guests will be here to teach and share their wonders with you. They invite you to call in with your questions and comments about everything metaphysical and spiritual!"

I've been working as a practicing psychic for over forty years. That works has included teaching various levels of Tarot and psychic development, meditation, doing radio and television shows, participating in and producing psychic fairs, lectures and workshops across the nation.

Over the years I have had the honor of helping families and police departments search for loved ones. I do not claim to be accurate 100% of the time, but Spirit has allowed me to share a gift that has helped many people. Have I been challenged by this gift? Yes. Has it frightened me at times? Yes. Would I change one single moment of service? Absolutely, not!

There are no words strong enough to express how grateful I am for the opportunity to have helped the clients that have been led to me and my guides for assistance. It is humbling to watch spirit work. Even after so many years of doing this work that I love so much, I feel that I am just getting started. I look forward to many more years of sharing my energy and the energy of my guides with you.

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