CI Confronting the Issues, October 21, 2009
A continuation ogf the discussion regarding the full inclusion of LGBT people in our faith communities, this timr from s more local perspective. Host Recia Ann Young discusses inclusion with Rev. Dr. Dawnne Woodie, founder and Director of OPTIC, Outreach Program for Transgenders In Crisis, and Ms Laura Slattery of Knights Out. Togrether they discuss strategies fro local congregations.
CI Confronting the Issues
Live from the Leland Tea Company, in San Francisco.
Bringing a progressive faith perspective to the issues of the day.
The unconventional is nothing new for Recia Ann Young, host and moderator for CI: Confronting the Issues. Ordained through an independent, evangelical tradition, Rev. Young hardly matches the typical political and social views of that tradition. She would describe herself as a believer in the value and worth of all people, and that Christ was the epitome of demonstrating the unconditional love and acceptance of the divine. She would say, she is striving to follow Jesus’ model.