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In this program I will explore "Right" Relationships. What is a "Right" Relationship to you? When one has a "right" relationship with life, they will be inspired, empowered and soar. What are the "right" relationships in your life?
Child helping another child
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“Right Relationships” is a term brought to my attention decades ago. Although the term wasn’t always foremost in my consciousness, I do believe it has been a constant in my life ever since. 

What does the term “right relationship” bring to mind for you? Does it mean one thing with thinking of a particular person and mean something different when thinking about someone else? 

What does a “right relationship” with one’s family entail?

What does a “right relationship” with one’s self look like?

And what might a “right relationship” with our Mother Earth look like?

I actually believe that “right relationships” are one of the most important questions we can reflect upon. 

During this program, I will reflect and explore the different types of “right relationships” mentioned above.  

In order to explore these fields, we will also explore what is a mis-guided or untrue relationship.  Perhaps, as we do so, “right relationships” will become more clearly seen. 

During this planetary transition, a transition that will lead to what some call the Golden Age, where everything is evolving to greater heights, I believe that RIGHT RELATIONSHIPS  are key to explore in order to navigate the terrain ahead.