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This is Sharon Wikoff's February 4th BBS Radio Program entitled: Healthy and Happy Households!
Broadcast Date


During this program I’ll talk about the art of living life and some of the experiences I encountered in the the process of working through challenging times and finding my way back to health and happiness!    

I feel it is so important that we find ways of handling whatever comes our way and always working our way back to balance, in spite of all that is going on in the world today.  We are meant to grow, change and evolve!  And these times offer us perfect opportunities to do this.  

During my life, I’ve had numerous LIFE CHANGING MOMENTS, which propelled me forward during challenging times.  These challenges were in the areas of health, relationships as well as the well-being of our family members.  

Do you know how to be an advocate for others? For yourself? I’ve share some of the difficulties I experienced and what I learned from them.  This segment will also include some practices which can support you as you navigate changing times and creating healthy and happy households! 

In addition, let’s talk about our children and how we can empower them in today’s world as well as practices that are supportive of them and ones that may be very harmful. Again, listening to our inner voice is such an important “muscle”, an important  “practice” to develop… because we then will be guided as to what we should do and what we should not do.     

This is THE TIME to …

SEE with new Eyes!

HEAR with new Ears!

THINK with a clear Awareness!

FEEL with an open Heart! 

And ACT with new Understanding