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The True Testament introduces you to "Simon Peter's True Testament", a book that tells the true story of who Jesus was and what he actually taught, much of which has been distorted or left out of the New Testament. There are shocking revelations, and wonderful, liberating truths. Prepare to be amazed! And relieved! And made free from the false teaching of original sin, and released from the fear of death. The book, "Simon Peter's True Testament", will change your life.

Brooke Medicine Eagle, Native American Earth Keeper, Wisdom teacher, Healer, Visionary, Singer/Song Writer, motivational Speaker, Author of "Buffalo Woman Comes Singing" and "The Last Ghost Dance", shares her wisdom about living a sustainable lifestyle honoring Mother Earth and all our relations.

Join Caroline this week as she explores perspectives inspired by divine inspiration and revealed through Shamanic Journeys - revelations about Life, Love, Birth, Death, Karma, and the role we have chosen to play in this incarnation. She will also share an amazing instance of a person whose soul retrieval brought back a part of them who had been Simon Peter, disciple of Jesus, and the subsequent book written about that lifetime.

How do you move from a place of blame to accepting responsibility for your experiences. This week we will be discussing how the subconscious mind works, and how you are a vibrational match to whatever you are experiencing. But most importantly we will be discussing that you don't have to blame yourself or anyone else, just begin to change your thought patterns and create the life you desire! My special guest will be Author Llenar Bragg.

This week we will be discussing Spiritual Transformation and the Shamanic rites of "Munay-Ki" with my special guest Rev. Bonny Hughes. The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about a new human appearing on the planet,  one who lives free of fear and resides in his or her transcendent nature. The Munay-Ki are the codes for the new human. The nine initiations of the Munay-Ki have only been available until recently to the high wisdom keepers of the Americas. Bonny is an Ordained Spiritual Minister and Spiritual Counselor.

The difference between prayer and meditation can be understood by saying that during prayer, we ask God for something, and during meditation, God speaks to us. Most people just keep praying all the time or always make noise or always talk, and God has no chance to guide you. Is it any wonder that your prayers can sometimes go unanswered. God has no opportunity! Today I am joined by Rev. Ernie Martin a interfaith minister who will guide us through the ins and outs of both prayer and meditation.

Today we will be discussing religion and how it has programmed us to believe our selves less than worthy of God's love, and that his love is something we must earn. My guest is Victoria M. Reynolds and with her we will uncover these false beliefs that have created separateness, and then move into a space of true Love. Of course, to fully embrace love we must understand it, and so we will also define the four kinds of love.

Being-ness is who-you-really-are, your Higher Self, your Super Consciousness. Being-ness is who you are meant to be. Are you ready? As we prepare to cross the threshold on 12/21/12 there are many questions, and my guest today has the answers! Ka't Mandu is a writer, metaphysician, and teacher of transformational change and spiritual realization. Hailing from Brisbane, Australia, she has been teaching and coaching in esoteric studies for the last 20 years. Ka't Pleiadean Mandu's newly released book "The Book of Meditation for Lightworkers" can be purchased at

As women, we often times give the entire essence of who we are to others, not honoring our own self-worth, nor understanding how to balance the life we have created or been given. "Sacred Sundays", was written to help the powerful and powerless super women living on the edge of burnout and breakdown, find ways to press pause and take time out of their busy schedules to restore and rejuvenate their mind and bodies, as well as how to find spiritual transformation through personal and sacred intimacy. Isn't it time for you to care for yourself the same way you care for others?