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Elizabeth Joyce interviews Roberta Hladek from EMC2, the AIM Program. As indicated by the title of the book, Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness, the AIM experience offers a vehicle to help you in your journey toward physical, emotional and spiritual expansion. Participants on this unique journey receive the AIM Program’s energetic balancing frequencies, 24/7. They often report a heightened sense of well-being, which they associate with their participation in the AIM Program.

Madalyn Suzzo, Medical Clairvoyant, Teacher, Healer, Seer — The closest definition I’ve come up with for myself is “Sacred Biologist.” I’ve spent my life trying to understand the emanations of energy and signals I see in people and all life around me. This led to being a lifetime professional Seer able to pierce the veil of separation most people seem to live with; allowing me to access mind-body wisdom and to become a Vibrational Medicine expert.

M.D. Kaczkowski is president of The Center for Alloplastic Facial Reconstruction in Little Rock, AR, where he serves as lead practitioner, designing and fitting ocular and facial prosthetic reconstructions. He is also an artist and medical inventor, with many of his technologies in use by hundreds of patients worldwide.  He spends his time between his homes in Little Rock, AR and Brandon, MS, enjoying the company of his wife, Pippa, and three children: Rachel, Daniel and Lily.

LAURENCE TOPLIFFE: AUTHOR OF THE ABSOLUTELY IRREFUTABLE SCIENTIFIC PROOF OF INTELLIGENT DESIGN: I bring specific knowledge that proves that humans cannot be the result of evolution through natural selection because of a very unique ability that all humans have.  I explain something else about humans that I would say 95% of the world population is not aware of. I do this by asking the ones who ask questions of me, some questions about things they do know or think they know, and then lead them to realize something about themselves.

Monday - Jan. 14, 2013 — Don Perry is a writer/producer for Chimpanzee Productions, Inc., an independent film and multimedia company dedicated to producing unique audio-visual experiences that illuminate the human condition and the search for identity, family and spirituality. He also writes short fiction/fantasy/paranormal novellas.  Prior to his involvement in film, Mr. Perry was an experienced financial and management consultant with a wide ranging background in commercial finance. Mr.

July 16, 2012
Reverend Monita Dukhia talks about “Morality In Our Society Today”and how this impacts our lives, spirituality, worldview and attitudes towards those around us. Speaking points as follows:

1.      • What is the state of morality in our society around us?

2.       • What drives us to behave in the way we do?

3.       • How does faith, upbringing and conscience play into how we morally navigate our way through society?

Antonia Lau is deeply studied metaphysician and spiritual expert with over 50 years of focused, research, confirmation and positive practice.  A Professional Celebrity Psychic with over 50,000+ worldwide readings for over 33 years, along with being Clairvoyant. Clairaudient and well versed in the disciplines Tarot, Spiritual/Evolutionary Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry and Graphology, she actually sees and hears the clients Guide/Guardian angel, long before it was popular in the mainstream. We take calls from our listeners who have questions for Antonia.

We take a closer look at the Twelve Levels of Heaven and how we continue to learn based on our Spiritual expansion on earth.

SUNDAY December 5th—9:00 PM Eastern—Elizabeth Joyce teaches us how to access the Fifth Dimension energies as well as opening the 8th Chakra.

Subject: Accessing The Spiritual Chakras

SUNDAY-DECEMBER 5, 2010—9:00 PM Eastern— Elizabeth Joyce teaches us how to raise our consciousness to accept and work with the Fifth Dimension energies.