LaGrave Live
LIVE Midday Worship Service 9-29-2024
Title: The Imperfect Anointed: Motive, Means, and Opportunity
Rev. Manion will continue our Imperfect Anointed sermon series and preach on 1 Samuel 24.
Order of Worship:
About Us:
We are a traditional CRC church in the middle of Downtown Grand Rapids, MI, worshipping at 8:40am, 11:00am, and 6:00pm. (10:00am and 6:00pm during the summer months)
#LaGrave #LaGraveCRC
LaGrave Live
LIVE Morning Worship Service 9-29-2024
Title: The Imperfect Anointed: Motive, Means, and Opportunity
Rev. Manion will continue our Imperfect Anointed sermon series and preach on 1 Samuel 24.
Order of Worship:
About Us:
We are a traditional CRC church in the middle of Downtown Grand Rapids, MI, worshipping at 8:40am, 11:00am, and 6:00pm. (10:00am and 6:00pm during the summer months)
#LaGrave #LaGraveCRC
LaGrave Live
LIVE Midday Worship Service 9-22-2024
Title: The Imperfect Anointed: Saul, David and the Acid of Envy
We will continue our Imperfect Anointed sermon series on David. Rev. Jonker will preach on 1 Samuel 18:1-16, a passage where we see the rivalry between Saul and David start to grow. You could also read 1 Samuel 22 if you want a fuller picture of where that envy leads.
Order of Worship:
LaGrave Live
LIVE Evening Worship Service 9-22-2024
Title: Do You Love Me?
Rev. Jonker will preach on John 21:15-19
Order of Worship:
About Us:
We are a traditional CRC church in the middle of Downtown Grand Rapids, MI, worshipping at 8:40am, 11:00am, and 6:00pm. (10:00am and 6:00pm during the summer months)
#LaGrave #LaGraveCRC
LaGrave Live
LIVE Morning Worship Service 9-22-2024
Title: The Imperfect Anointed, Saul, David and the Acid of Envy
We will continue our Imperfect Anointed sermon series on David. Rev. Jonker will preach on 1 Samuel 18:1-16, a passage where we see the rivalry between Saul and David start to grow. You could also read 1 Samuel 22 if you want a fuller picture of where that envy leads.
Order of Worship:
Tony Alamo
Pastor Tony Alamo Revelation 13 - #768 Part 1
Pastor Alamo reads and comments on the Book of Revelation chapter 13
And he caused as many as would not buy this garbage or worship the beast the image of the beast that we should be put to death, we should be killed actually its murdered. This beast causes all this projection that he has into your brains into your spirit into your soul.
Dare to Dream with Debbi Dachinger
Guest, Anjie Hipple, a vessel for Source Energy and a channel for angelic and extra-dimensional beings. Awakening to Angelic Guidance: Anjie Hipple's Journey with Judah. Channeling the Cosmos: Anjie Hipple and the Wisdom of Judah.
Unlock Your Cosmic Potential: Channeling Judah's Life-Changing Messages! FT. ANJIE HIPPLE
Ready to unlock your cosmic potential? In this captivating episode, Anjie Hipple channels Judah’s powerful, transformative messages to help elevate your consciousness.
In this episode, you'll discover:
Joseph Varley Presents
Joseph Varley, Diana White Eagle, Jesse Baily, Scotland and his mother, Jackie
Topic: Autism and overcoming!
Angel Talk with Jim Young and Sandy Young
Subject: The Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls
The Dead Sea Scrolls described as the writings of the Essenes, an ancient Jewish culture that lived to the spirit of the law. It was them and the expectation of their communities that brought about the coming of the Messiah. We invite you to join us on Angel Talk for another exciting radio show. Sponsored by The Living Light Center a Church of Faith and Healing.
Reclaiming Authenticity with James Houck PhD, LPC, CCTP
How we integrate and transform our life stories from a place of woundedness and disappointment