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Word of Mouth with Maurice Way, John Knox and Tenika Thompson

The Galactic Roundtable with Elizabeth Trutwin

The Political Fix with Heather Vale, Jay Amernick and Rick Raddatz

The War Report on Public Education with Dr. James Avington Miller, Jr. and guests,  Julianna Dauble, Susan de fresne, Linda Myrick, Jesse Hagopian & Wayne Au

Michael J. Murphy blows the lid off the geoengineering agenda, and shares the latest information on the deliberate shifting of the weather, off California's coast, up to warm the Arctic.  Major countries are vying for the vast wealth which can only be accessed if the Arctic melts.  Why not also create a global carbon tax and claim "global warming"?  Agenda 21, HAARP, nanotechnology, Monsanto's aluminum resistant seeds, and how we can all become involved to stop the agenda for a global governing body, "to protect us".

The Political Fix with Heather Vale, Jay Amernick and Rick Raddatz

James chats with Alejandro Rojas, UFO & Paranormal Reseracher, Huffington Post Blogger and Director of Operations of OpenMinds.TV about what's new in UFO & Paranormal Research and the upcoming International UFO Congress outside of Phoenix, AZ February 18-22, 2015

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown and Kathleen Gomez

James gives updates on what's happening in the multi-verses and answers questions from his listeners.