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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 27 April 2021

I Got Your Number with Sally Faubion

I Got Your Number with Sally Faubion
Show Host:
Sally Faubion

What is Your Destiny?

There's a mystical curiosity in us all...

…No matter how entrenched we are in worldly matters. Discover the guidance, inspiration, and sense of humor that psychic-numerologist Sally Faubion has brought to her public appearances and private readings for over 35 years.

Sally is a well known numerologist who has appeared on numerous TV and radio talk shows. She has served as an expert on the meaning of numbers for The New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, ABC, CBS, and other media outlets. As a professional lecturer, author, consultant and educator, Sally has a growing following of clients from all walks of life.

Numerology Readings

Sally Faubion provides people with insight and practical guidance into the future. In today’s complex environment, everyone must identify and understand their issues and their strengths in order to affect more enlightened results. Sally’s customized programs and services provide everyone the best in practical guidance and structured information that can be used for personal and professional growth.

Readings for individuals are available covering any subject, i.e. marriage dates, best names for newborns, business success, or compatibility of mates, co-workers, or bosses. Receive enlightening insights into your children’s personalities and your own. Choose the best time to move, change jobs, or retire.

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

Featured Guests


Guest, Sherry Wilde September 28, 2015
Guest, Janet Booth September 14, 2015
Guest, Sherry Wilde August 31, 2015
Sally Marie Faubion
San Francisco
Other Websites:
Entrepreneur and an accomplished numerologist, inventor, writer, and speaker

Sally Faubion is one of those rare happy spirits the American dream was built around. She has discovered what she loves to do and has made a career of it. This self-made San Francisco entrepreneur is an accomplished numerologist, inventor, writer, and speaker.

Sally has been providing insight and guidance through numerology readings for 35 years. Her personal and group readings combine her unique intuition and expert knowledge of numerology with other metaphysical sciences. She has read thousands of people and never tires of helping individuals with her special gifts and knowledge.

Sally also enjoys working with the public via group engagements and the media. She has appeared on many television and radio shows and has been quoted in print media such as The New York Times and The San Francisco Chronicle. Her entertaining lectures and group readings command repeat business from many well-known clients such as Genentech, Apple, Macy’s, the Junior League, and Mirival spa.

Sally is the author of the well-received book, Motivational Numerology, and How Numbers Affect your Life, and has penned articles and columns for national magazines. She has created her own line of greeting cards, one of which is currently available on a wholesale basis. Other creations include calendars and software applications.

Sally is currently paving the way for additional products and books to be introduced in the near future.

“Thank you so much for our new baby daughter’s numerology reading. We really enjoyed listening to all the wonderful things we have to look forward to in our new daughter’s life!”

Gerry & Lester

“I thank you for your great insights. You always could lead me to my own light.”


“Just a quick little note to thank you again for helping us out of an important choice regarding our new venture in real estate investments. Your reading was very helpful.”

Brian & Kevin

“What you taped was more accurate than the people who know me intimately could report. During this time of transition in my life, I found this information validating, comforting and directive. I consider myself an aware person and I write with confidence that your work is at least 90% accurate.”


“Just a short note to let you know how much I’ve appreciated your reading. I feel like a train that was derailed and now back on the right track. Thank you for your empowering and inspiring guidance.”
