Fido Friendly Travel Talk host, Susan Sims, is CEO, publisher and co-owner of Fido Friendly, the Travel & Lifestyle magazine for you and your dog. Now in it's 8th year, each issue of Fido Friendly magazine can be found at Borders, Barnes & Noble, PetSmart and Fido-friendly hotels nationwide. Sims travels extensively with her husband and 9-year-old Lab, Zoey, to sniff out destinations for purpose of review. Sims enjoys telling people about all the great destinations they can travel with their dogs as well as informing them about products and services that make roving with rover easy and fun.
Leave No Dog Behind® is our trademark slogan and words we live by at FIDO Friendly magazine. Now in our 12th year, FIDO Friendly continues to bring its readers valuable information about traveling with their canine companions to include hotel and destination reviews and entertaining information about health and wellness for their pets, adoption stories, the latest trends and dog training advice.
There are many worthy causes surrounding pets and we believe in promoting these special organizations with partnerships in supporting charitable events such as Helen Woodward and Iams Home 4 The Holidays. We have also created our own annual month long pet adoption drive in partnership with North Shore Animal League America: Get Your Licks on Route 66.
We are always looking for new ways to help spread the awareness of your products and services and have developed key relationships with major companies to bring about large scale exposure to FIDO Friendly magazine. There has never been a better time to join our FIDO Friendly family and advertise to some of the most influential pet guardians on the planet.