Internationally celebrated author, Canadian Stephen Dafoe, has been exploring Secret Societies both as a researcher and as a member for many years. His books have been lauded and studied by Freemasons, Knights Templar, and the members of other initiatic societies around the globe as authoritative texts on their history and rites. His books include: The Warriors and the Bankers, and The Knights Templar Revealed. His most recently published book is Morgan: The Scandal That Shook Freemasonry, which is a 500-page examination of the abduction and probable murder of William Morgan by Freemasons.
Stephen Dafoe has written, co-written or contributed to more than a dozen books and anthologies since 1997. They are in chronological order:
- Unholy Worship? (1997)
- The Warriors and the Bankers (1998) republished (2006) +
- The Templar Continuum (1999) +
- Everything I Needed To Know About Freemasonry (2004)
- The Knights Templar Revealed (2006) * +
- The Templar Papers (2006)
- Heredom Vol. 14 (2006)
- Heredom Vol. 15 (2007)
- Tales From The Harbor Vol. 2 (2007)
- Nobly Born (2007)
- Secret History of the Knights Templar (2008) * +
- Tales From The Harbor Vol. 3 (2008)
- The Compasses and the Cross (2008)
- Morgan: The Scandal That Shook Freemasonry (2009)
* These titles are republications of 1999’s The Templar Continuum
+ Co-written with Alan Butler