As new author of his first children's book entitled, The Hug Store, Rick widened this sphere of his services to include families, children and single parents everywhere. Rick is proud that The Hug Store is endorsed by several nationally recognized health care professionals and features a list of over a dozen reasons why hugs are not only healthy for our body, mind and well-being, but why they are essential for it. In addition to blogging, public speaking and facilitating hugging play-shops in and around the Los Angeles area, Rick has appeared on a variety of talk, radio and TV shows to promote his vision of conscious parenting and ultimately promoting world peace, one hug at a time. Besides food, wine, hugs and music, Rick s other passions include fitness and overall well-being. Rick enjoys charity work as well as giving back to his community. Some of the charities that are particularly important to him are Cystic Fibrosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Cancer, Meals on Wheels and Macular Degeneration. Lastly, Rick s ultimate joy and inspiration in life is spending time with his co-author of The Hug Store and most huggable one, daughter Shana.