Marc Goldberg, CDT (Certified Dog Trainer) has been studying dog behavior, and training dogs for over 30 years.
In 1969 Marc's first dog, Gus, came into his life, along with a host of dog related problems. Gus began life as a normal Sheltie puppy, but at the age of six months was hit by a car when he would not come when called. Fortunately, he was only injured with a fractured leg.
When he healed, Marc--who was only 12 at the time--was enrolled in dog training school along with Gus. "Teach him something so he doesn't get killed," his mother told him.
Before long, Marc became fascinated with dog behavior and training. He and Gus competed in many American Kennel Club obedience trials, winning High In Trial at their first show, and later, a Dog World Award.
As the youngest member of the Philadelphia Dog Training Club, Marc studied under the best dog behaviorists and trainers in the country.
Since 1969 Marc has competed and titled many dogs of various breeds. He teaches training classes, conducts private lessons, gives behavior consultations, and has helped hundreds of people improve their relationships with their dogs.