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Lisa Brambilla Doble
Lisa Brambilla
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Guest Biography

We at My Eternal Family Tree truly understand the hearts of pet parents. Our BioUrn® is designed to provide a loving, living reminder of shared love with our beloved four-legged companions.

My name is Lisa Brambilla, I am a cancer survivor, a mom, a wife, a pet lover and a ‪#‎mompreneur‬ who has created a biodegradable cremation urn for pets, that grows a memorial tree called BioUrn.

BioUrn was born from a desire to satisfy my need to celebrate the human - animal bond, with a living memorial tree that pays tribute to my beloved family members who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

BioUrn is good for the planet, for pets and for the people who love them.

BioUrn has been embraced by the veterinary community, and has been called "a green solution to a very old problem".

If you have lost your beloved companion, BioUrn might be right for you.