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Guest Name
Leslie Clayton
Leslie Clayton
Guest Occupation
Professional Dancer and Activist against Sexual Abuse
Guest Biography

In her first career, Leslie was a professional dancer in Atlanta and later created the first Pilates studio, called Body Awareness. Her 22 years of commitment to supporting others to feel more connect and alive in their bodies is now evolving into creating a non-profit called The Joyous Heart Network. Inspired by Eve Ensler and her humanitarian work in the world, the Joyous Heart Network  will be working with other non-profits to bring profound transformational healing resources to survivors of Sexual abuse. She is working with the Atlanta One Billion Rising Team to help raise awareness about the issues and build a bridge for survivors to find deeper levels of healing. 

Leslie Clayton is passionate about helping women discover strength, balance and beauty inside and out. With more than 30 years of dance and exercise training, she uses physical and metaphysical exercises to assist her clients with body awareness. Leslie founded the first Pilates studio in Atlanta in 1993. Leslie combines her knowledge of Pilates, Heart IQ and body wisdom to develop conscious Pilates instructors. Leslie loves providing resources for teachers to fine tune their professional strengths and step up to new levels of skill, talent and expertise as Pilates professionals.

Leslie began her Pilates training with Ramana Krysanowska in New York, and has studied with teachers from San Francisco, Santa Fe and Colorado. She combines her knowledge of dance, Pilates, Yoga and gentle body therapies to create effective programs for all therapeutic and fitness levels. She is a Natural Rhythms Creation Coach and Food Healing Coach. Leslie brings Pilates trainers, fitness professionals and health care practitioners together for continuing education and to maintain the highest standards of fitness, health and well being for her trainers and her clients.