Author, motivational speaker and radio personality Kari Hohne shares 28 years of research as a Dream Analyst, helping clients to discover their personal roadmap for success and wellness.
"As we move through life to actualize our desires, dreams become key in understanding how we get stuck, where we need to go, and also provide uncanny wisdom about our life direction."
In her books The Mind's Mirror and The Mythology of Sleep: The Waking Power of Dreams, she describes the 3 parts of every dream and how the hero is initiated to activate one's life purpose in the dreamscape. Exploring the common similarities between dream themes and the landscapes of our ancient myths, she writes: "Just as the mythical hero traverses bizarre landscapes, solving strange paradoxes that will reveal one's real identity and destiny, the cryptic nature of dreams serve the same purpose for the dreamer. Each night we enter a topsy turvy world of symbols to explore a conflict, cause and resolution cycle as a way of embarking on a Great Adventure of Self-discovery." See Why Dreams are so Bizarre.
Her website pulls users from all over the world and has allowed her to explore the common symbolism that guides dreamers no matter where they live in the world. Her Iphone App Way of Dreams: Dream Dictionary and Interpretation Tool, is available at Itunes and allows you to type in your dream to receive an interpretation, pulling from a dictionary of over 3000 definitions. It has consistently remained in the top 30 Lifestyle Apps at Itunes.
She conducts dream workshops on Living Life Intuitively and has developed motivational art programs for prison inmates and high school kids at risk of dropping out or joining gangs. Her articles appear in PubMed and she is also the author of Nothing Bad Happens in Life: Nature’s Way of Success and Tao te Ching: The Poetry of Nature. She is featured in Early Women Masters as a contributor to Women Authors of the Tao te Ching and as a contributor to the Mythology section.