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Guest Name
Julie Anne Christoph
Julie Anne Christoph
Guest Occupation
Life Catalyst
Guest Biography

Julie Anne Christoph is a true change catalyst in every sense of the word. She loves nothing more than sharing her message of conscious evolution and conscious living as a life catalyst, speaker, trainer, workshop facilitator and best selling author. Throughout her journey -- which was filled with ups and downs, resistance, self-sabotage and massive leaps forward -- it become obvious to Julie Anne that she had to dedicate her life to her own self-evolution. She knows that the most efficient way to truly bring change into the world is by doing our own inner work.

Now, she contributes to humanity's evolution by teaching coaches and holistic practitioners The 5 Stages of Conscious Evolution. This process leads individuals through deep transformation by pulling them out of the story of their life so they can see reality and experience forgiveness, acceptance and letting fo and move in to their personal power.

Julie Anne knows the power that a ripple effect can have and by teaching teachers and coaches this powerful process we can reach the tipping point faster because humanity is evolving into new ways of Being.

In a nutshell, Julie Anne's passion is to help individuals step into the truth and power of who they truly are, at the core, bu aligning their Human-ness with their Being-ness (soul), so they can live the life they are destines to live. She founded Change Revolution™ as a bridge to new ways of being.