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Guest Name
Ellie Drake
How to Create With Ease ELLIE DRAKE Braveheart Women. Ellie has interviewed dozens and dozens of high-profile celebrities, experts, and best-selling authors
Guest Occupation
Doctor, Visionary, Prosperity Creator
Guest Biography

Dr. Ellie Drake is an expert in teaching 'Ease of Purpose' from a physiological, emotional and entrepreneurial perspective.  As a doctor, visionary and prosperity creator, she is passionate about applying her expanding insight to living in her potential.  Ellie Drake is also the founder and visionary behind, the fastest-growing, global online community for Entrepreneurial Women. As a highly-magnetic speaker, doctor and successful entrepreneur, Ellie empowers women to take important steps toward achieving prosperity. At age 17, Ellie arrived in America as an immigrant from her native Iran where she recalls huddling in bomb shelters during the Iran-Iraq war. She held on to the inspiration that is the American dream and has since become living proof of its power.