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Guest Name
Adam Yellowbird
Adam Yellowbird DeArmon, Ordained Minister, Earth Keeper, Dance Healer and Spiritualist
Guest Occupation
Ordained Minister, Earth Keeper, Dance Healer, Spiritualist
Guest Biography

Adam is a visionary and spiritual leader. He is the founder of the Global Earth Dance Gatherings. His vision of Earth Dance8 has brought thousands of people together of all colors, races, and spiritual backgrounds to celebrate and dance around the world. Adam also helps people explore the inner healing of the heart, dreams, and spirit. Adam is bringing the multi-cultural vision of all people coming together as one for unity and healing of our Mother Earth. He believes we are Earth Keepers of our Mother and we must take care of her as she takes care of us; the people. Adam is asking the help of all people to wake up and listen to their heart, the Holy Spirit, and bring out what has been hidden away for eons within one's being. Remember we are all divinely moved by the Holy Spirit to do what is in the highest good for all humanity. Today take your steps forward! 


Having traveled the world extensively - working, learning, and living with many different indigenous peoples from all over the planet; Adam "Yellowbird" De Armon has dedicated his time and energy to his personal vision, facilitating cultural exchange programs, working nationally & internationally preserving sacred sites, and honoring indigenous traditions. Adam is working towards bringing the multi-cultural vision of all people coming together as one for unity and healing of Mother Earth. The Return of the Ancestors project would have never happened with out Adam.