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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 26 April 2021

Eileen Angel Readings with Eileen

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Eileen Angel Readings - Get clarity in your personal or professional relationships with Eileen's clairvoyant telepathic insights. She can "tune in" on a psychic level and hear messages from your Angel Guides.

Eileen - Clairvoyant since childhood I started my business as a Professional Clairvoyant Psychic in 1996. Listening to the messages of guidance from Angels is a daily practice. As a little girl and throughout my adult life I have seen Angels and have heard them speak to me. As my receptivity to these heavenly beings has increased, their communications with me have become more frequent.

Talk Radio Show Program Information Displays


Clairvoyant, Psychic, Card Reader, Talk Show Host

I encourage you to seek quiet moments in nature or in meditation so that you may hear the messages of your Angel guides.

My clients have ranged from business executives to artists. A Bachelor's degree in Business and thirty-five years of seeking spiritual enlightenment have complemented my natural abilities of clairvoyance and mental telepathy which has resulted in very positive feedback from clients who are pleased with the quality and accuracy of their readings.

In your Clairvoyant Angel Reading I will use Angel Tarot cards while being receptive to any messages that your Angel guides have for you. My psychic abilities enable me to "tune in" to people and issues that you would like to focus on in the reading.

Other's feelings and intentions regarding you in business or personal relationships can be revealed. My clairvoyant telepathic insights may help to provide you with the clarification that you seek in romantic or professional matters. Your Psychic Reading may indicate that someone new will be entering your life for a romantic love relationship.

Spiritually uplifting Angel guidance offers inspiration to help you attract prosperity and love into your life. Angels are also watching over your pets. If you have a pet that has "passed on", rest assured that their spirit lives on radiantly! I have had many personal experiences of visits and messages from our pets who are now living in the spirit world. Animals have a lot more freedom once they leave their physical bodies, but feelings of love and loyalty for their loved ones live on. If you would like assistance in connecting with your heavenly pet, I would be pleased to offer some helpful insights.

Select from the Rate Schedule below then call to arrange a convenient time for your Clairvoyant Angel Card Reading.